7 and 8 May : Salins les Bains – Frank County (F) – commemorative ceremony for the General Cler

28 and 29 May : Cisliano – Storitalia, re-enactors meeting of C.E.R.S.

2 June : Turbigo (MI) – parade for the anniversary of the Italian Republic and ceremony for the battle of the 3th june 1859

4 and 5 June : Magenta (MI) – historical event for the anniversary of the battle of 4th june 1859

24 June : Solferino (MN) – commemorative ceremony for the anniversary of the battle of 24th june 1859

26 June : S.Martino della battaglia (BS) – historical event for the anniversary of the battle of 24th june 1859

9 e 10 July : Belfort – Frank County (F) – historical event in fort, franc-prussian war of the 1870

18 September : Corbetta (MI) – parade and ceremony flags day

25 September : Magenta – Meeting of the Associations of the City